Reliable advice and representation
We offer our clients reliable advice and representation based on solid legal expertise and long experience
Confidence and professionalism
to back you up
LakiMajakka Ltd is a law firm established in 2007. We provide expert legal services to individuals, associations and small and medium-sized enterprises with confidence and professionalism. We are a full-service, general practice law firm with extensive experience and expertise in all areas of law. We cover the whole of Finland and our offices are listed below.
Pirkanmaa Region
Finlaysoninkuja 21 A,
33210 Tampere
Capital Region
Kansakoulukatu 3,
00100 Helsinki
Eastern Finland
Ahlströminkatu 10,
78250 Varkaus
Full service law firm
LakiMajakka Oy is a full-service law firm with extensive experience and expertise in all areas of law. We provide legal expertise for the legal needs of individuals, SMEs and associations.
Our experience to help you
Our lawyers are members of the Finnish Bar Association.
We also provide services in English, Swedish and German.
A trusting relationship with our customers
A confidential client relationship is always based on open and respectful cooperation with the client.
A supportive and friendly working environment
A supportive and friendly working environment enables you to do your work to a high standard and make use of your wide range of professional skills.
Corporate social responsibility
Responsible entrepreneurship as an integral and beneficial part of the community is one of LakiMajakka’s basic principles.
Luottamuksellinen asiakassuhde
Luottamuksellinen asiakassuhde perustuu
aina avoimeen ja kunnioittavaan yhteistyöhön toimeksiantajan kanssa.
Kannustava ja hyvähenkinen työyhteisö
Kannustava ja hyvähenkinen työympäristö mahdollistaa työn laadukkaan tekemisen ja monipuolisen ammattitaidon hyödyntämisen.
Vastuullinen yrittäminen kiinteänä ja
hyödyttävänä osana yhteisöä on yksi
Lakimajakan peruslähtökohdista.
Need help with your legal affairs?
We are a full-service, general practice law firm with extensive experience and expertise in all areas of law. Contact us, we can help you.